Assistant Minister of Health for EU Integration and International Cooperation of Serbia Mrs. Danijela Urosevic visited Israel, where she has participated in the work of the meetings of the World Health Organization and the South-Eastern Europe Health Network.
On the first day July 10, 2018 a ministerial meeting was held organized by WHO, Ministry of Health of Israel and SEEHN, the central topic being improving the healthy ageing. Opening and welcoming remarks were made by Deputy Minister of Health of Israel Mr. Yakov Litzman and WHO Regional Director for Europe Mrs. Zsuzsanna Jakab. The following day, 40th Plenary Meeting of SEEHN was held on the topic of ensuring primary health care for ageing population.
Mrs. Danijela Urosevic actively participated in the work of both meetings, and with several addresses and presentations has informed about the situation in Serbia as regards to the abovementioned topics, as well as the cooperation of Serbia with the WHO in these and other areas. Also, she has presided the meeting of the Executive Committee of the SEEHN.