In case of intent, in the forthcoming period, to travel to Israel, please bear in mind the deteriorating security situation, which has, since mid September 2015, been manifesting itself through almost daily violent incidents and terrorist attacks. Due to their frequency and dispersion, a possibility of a terrorist attack involving foreign tourists, should not be ruled out.
In that sense, we advise the citizens of Serbia to reconsider their decision to travel to Israel, and if they do travel, during their stay to pay close attention to safety in places of public assembly, especially in Old City Jerusalem.
We suggest our citizens to inform themselves, on regular basis, in the local media on the developments. The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tel Aviv is paying close attention to the developments and is at the disposal for all the available information on the current security situation.
Pay close attention to safety if traveling to the West Bank, while travel to Gaza is not recommendable.
Also, more information may be obtained at the site of Ministry of Foreign Affairs: